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The Emissions First partnership was created by practitioners – companies working to reduce their emissions with impactful clean energy projects today.  As climate action has accelerated over the last decade, our organizations are ready to embrace a greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting framework that moves beyond the current approach and focuses on the heart of the matter, emissions impact. 

The term “Emissions First” is a recognition that the way in which organizations account for carbon emissions from electricity use should incentivize actions that maximize carbon reductions. 

As the number of projects and forums working on electricity GHG emissions accounting grows, our group of practitioners, companies and organizations actively procuring renewable energy and other decarbonization solutions in the voluntary markets, are ready to contribute to standards that can improve emissions accounting accuracy and ensure clean energy investments maximize electricity decarbonization.


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Disclaimer: The Emissions First Partnership does not represent a legal or official partnership between signatory companies.
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